Finally, you can finish your book, even if you’ve felt stuck for years.
Knowing your Story Type and Story Spine provides a path to a professional draft
For every writer with every book, there’s a point where we want to give up…
And most writers do.
That initial inspiration only carries us so far.
Sooner or later, we hit a wall in our story…
We think the story can’t be saved.
We feel like starting over with something new.
We want to quit writing altogether because we obviously don’t know what we’re doing.
Why do people even want to write books anyway?!
You just wish someone would hand you the magic formula to fix your story so you can feel like a real writer again.
But, imagine what it will feel like when you’re holding your published book in your hand.
Or seeing it on the shelf of your favorite bookstore.
Imagine the pride you’ll feel knowing you didn’t give up.
You stepped up and learned the skills it takes to write a compelling story and now it’s in the world for readers to enjoy.
You want to finish the damn book already—but feel lost.
You need some guidance on questions like:
“Is my story idea even good?”
“How do I get my story unstuck?”
“How do I find a path to get this thing done?”
That’s why we’ve created Story Path, a course that helps you understand the seven essential story types and how to use them to fix YOUR story, then craft the 21 core scenes of your book and everything that comes in between.
Story Path
Use the Power of Story Types to Finish Your Manuscript
Story Path is a twenty module course that will help you understand exactly what kind of story you’re telling— your Story Type—and use it to find your way to a completed, professional draft that will have readers eager to turn the page. You’ll also learn how to craft your story’s spine — the 21 core scenes of your story — and decide all the scenes that come in between. Finally, you’ll learn how to talk about your story in a way that entices agents, publishers and readers. You’ll also learn the basics of putting together a great author platform.
This is a comprehensive course for authors that can get you and your book to the finish line.
What People Are Saying
"I love the way Rachelle so clearly shows how to laser a story's structure and content through Story Type. This is brilliant! And I’m thrilled to incorporate these techniques in my stories.”
— Irene Allison, co-author of Stay, Breathe with Me: The Gift of Compassionate Medicine, and the forthcoming novel, Angie's Song
“By the third module I learned what was missing from my book. I knew something wasn't right. Now I know and am eager to get back to it and make changes.”
— Linnie Thomas, author of many books
Before Story Path
Your manuscript has been moldering in a drawer or banished to a forgotten digital cloud.
The thought of fixing the mess you’ve made completely overwhelms you.
There have been tears.
There have been thoughts of giving up.
After Story Path
You know exactly what kind of story you’re telling and the impact you want it to have on the reader.
You sit down to write with a sense of purpose.
You know what to add — and what to cut — in your manuscript.
You’ve transformed a mess of words into a cohesive, compelling story that will resonate with your ideal reader.

Here’s what you get when you join Story Path
The Story Types Modules: Identify the Type of Story You’re Telling and How to Tell It
Module 1
How Story Types creates a Path
The Author’s Mindset
How to Get Your Story Unstuck
Module 5
Essential Themes
Essential Themes for Each Story Type
2 Story Time Examples
Exercise: Check Your Story for Theme
Module 9
Your Story Type
Cheat Sheets of All Essential Elements for All Seven Story Types
Module 2
Core Concepts Overview
Six Essential Story Components
Seven Essential Story Types
Module 6
Audience Emotions
Audience Emotions for Each Story Type
2 Story Time Examples
Exercise: Check Your Story for Audience Emotion
Module 10
Primary & Supporting Stories
Explainer and Combinations
Famous Stories Featuring Popular Combinations
Module 3
Character Wants & Needs
Wants & Needs by Story Type
2 Story Time Examples
Cheatsheet & Exercise
Module 7
Essential Characters & Settings
Essential Characters & Settings for All Seven Story Types
Exercise: Check Your Story for Essential Characters and Settings
Module 11
Building Your Story Path
Your Story Path Template
Real Writers, Real Stories of Using the Template
Module 4
What’s at Stake?
Stakes by Story Type
2 Story Time Examples
Check Your Story for Stakes
Module 8
Essential Moments
Essential Moments for All Seven Story Types
Exercise: Check Your Story for Essential Moments
Module 12
Synthesis & Mindset
Author Mindset
Synthesis Example

The Story Spine Modules: Identify Your 21 Core Moments and Connecting Scenes
Module 13
How to Talk About Your Story
Talking About a Story the Wrong Way: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Talking About a Story the Wrong Way: Charlotte’s Web
Module 14
The 21 Core Moments
The Four-Act Structure
5 Essential Components of Each Act
The 21 Core Moments that Make Your Story’s Spine
Module 15
The Four Paragraph Distillation
Why You Need to Distill Your Story
The Four Paragraphs for Charlotte’s Web
The Four Paragraphs for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Module 16
The Rest of the Story
What Makes Up the Rest of the Story?
21 Core Moments Plus Connecting Scenes for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
21 Core Moments Plus Connecting Scenes for Charlotte’s Web

The Getting Ready for Publication Modules: Learn How to Talk About & Sell Your Story
Module 17
Agent Pitches
Crafting Your Agent Pitch Based on Your Story Spine.
Examples of Successful Pitches Submitted to Real Agents.
EXERCISE: Write & Practice Your First Pitch.
Module 18
Back Cover Blurbs
Successful Examples from All Story Types for Fiction and Memoir.
How to Research Successful Blurbs on Bookseller Sites
The Basic Blurb Template
EXERCISE: Write Your Back Cover Blurb
Module 19
Elevator Pitches and Titles
Short Pitches: “Elevator” and In-Person.
Anne and Rachelle Pitch Some Books to Each Other, Including a Bad Example and a Correction.
In or Out: What Works and What Doesn’t in a Pitch and a Title?
Module 20
Building an Audience
Identify Your Ideal Reader
Foundations of Platform Building
How to Find and Pitch Influencers
Bonuses if you enroll now
Bonus #1
Ebook: The Pages & Platforms Guide to Story Type
This ebook by Rachelle Ramirez and Anne Hawley is not available anywhere else. It will always at your fingertips to access all the essential elements of any Story Type.
Bonus #2
Five Essentials of Scene Writing Webinar
Write better scenes for the rest of your life with this 60-minute webinar. In this pre-recorded workshop, Anne Hawley and Rachelle Ramirez will illuminate what makes a great scene. Using movie clips and examples of master scenes, you’ll learn how to analyze a scene and get practical and applicable tips for diagnosing and editing your own scenes.
Monthly Group Calls for Direct Support with Your Story
Once a month, you’ll have a chance to hop on a Zoom call and pick the brains of two of the best developmental editors in the business: Rachelle Ramirez & Anne Hawley.
They’ll answer your questions about applying the principles and essential elements of the seven Story Types to your particular manuscript and help you troubleshoot and successfully apply your new knowledge to your manuscript.
What People Are Saying
“Story Path is the map to unearth your buried treasure. Blown off course by misdirection, and pirated by ignorance, the Path set a steady course and directed me to my story’s gold. Simply follow these wise and crafty guides out of the storm. It will be the best investment you have ever made.”
—JoAnne Conroy, author of On The Rocks.
The Path to Finishing Your Story Awaits
20 modules that show you the path to a compelling, complete manuscript
Bonus: Pages & Platforms Guide to Story Type ebook
Bonus: write better scenes for the rest of your life with the Scene Webinar
Monthly group calls with your instructors
One year of access
Save $77 when you pay in full!
6 Payments
You can do Story Path from anywhere and on your own schedule.
You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection!
The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal.
And you'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your schedule.
“How long does it take to complete the program?”
The honest answer is, it depends on you. Most of our students are able to get through the material in a few months. Others might take a few extra months to work their manuscript while they’re going through the material. There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you have twelve months of access to the program and any updates that happen during that time! This isn't a "quick fix" by any means. We believe writing books takes time and is worth doing well. We recommend you set aside 2-4 hours per week to go through the program and implement the assignments.
How much longer do you want to wait to finish your book?
For writers, delaying is self-sabotage, plain and simple. Every day you don’t work on your book increases the chances you’ll never finish it.
Start today instead of waiting another six months to a year for enrollment to open again.
Starting now will allow you to:
Finally get your story into the world.
Keep your word to yourself about finishing your book.
Get the guidance you need to make it a worthy read and something you’ll be proud to put your name on.
Waiting to write allows Resistance to win.
Start today and you’ll thank yourself when you’re holding your finished book in your hands.
“Is this course right for me?”
You ARE ready to take this course if…
You have a “zero draft:” a pile of words on paper but you don’t know how to shape it from there.
You’re a few drafts in but you sense (or have been told) that your story isn’t working and you don’t know how to fix it.
You believe there are ways to evaluate a story and tools you can use to improve a story.
You’re NOT ready to take this course if…
You haven’t put any words down on paper yet and have never attempted a manuscript before.
You believe writing a book should be strictly intuitive and there’s no objective way to make sure you’re telling a good story.
You think a first draft is publishable as-is.

There is a path to finishing your book. Story Types will show you the way.
You have a choice to make
Step onto the path.
Use the power of Story Types to progress to the next level with your storytelling skills and finally finish your book.
Or…muddle and quit.
Follow the course of so many almost-writers who came before you…try to muddle through on your own and ultimately give up.
Don’t let resistance win.
You DO have time.
We all like to make up stories about why we can’t possibly carve out the time to finish our novels. And yet, real writers do. They wake up early, they stay up late, they say “no” to petty obligations that don’t help them fulfill their true calling. You’re not magically going to have more time someday. It’s up to you to make time today. And getting the tools you need to complete the book will make the whole thing go faster than stumbling around on your own.
INVEST in yourself.
Getting your story into the world and honoring your identity as an author is truly invaluable. Investing the time, energy and money into your writing helps you shift from amateur to professional.
It’s NORMAL to be afraid.
Fear is part of writing. It’s okay to be afraid this won’t work. It’s okay to be afraid your book will suck. What’s not okay is to let that fear paralyze you. The fear will be there no matter what. Let it freeze you and you end up afraid with nothing to show for it. Act anyway, and you end up with a book with your name on it.
The Path to Finishing Your Story Awaits
20 modules that show you the path to a compelling, complete manuscript
Bonus: Pages & Pages Guide to Story Type ebook
Bonus: write better scenes for the rest of your life with the Scene Webinar
Monthly group calls with your instructors
One year of access
Save $77 when you pay in full!
6 Payments
Let’s be clear on terms
Pages and Platforms does not make any representation, promises, or guarantee of results or success. The Story Path course requires your involvement, and you are expected to participate and apply the teachings to your own work. Should you choose not to participate, or should you withdraw from the course, no refund is offered for any reason. We want you to succeed, so we’re helping hold your feet to the fire.
For full terms and conditions, please click here.
What happens when you buy…
Step 1: Purchase the program with the pay-in-full or payment plan option. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal.
Step 2: You'll be sent directly to the course player, where you can immediately access modules 1-12.
What people are saying
“Already ‘Story Path’ has proven invaluable, and I’m barely halfway through the course! It’s given me (an aspiring novelist stalled on bringing my rough draft in for a landing) the tools, frameworks, and inspiration needed to confidently tackle both my ending and effective revision of a complete ‘professional draft.’ Hawley, Ramirez, and Campbell probably saved me from tons of angst and flailing around. I highly recommend this course!”
—Carolyn Cowen, writer
“Story Path has saved my story from the wastebasket and the constant stream of rejections I would have experienced before taking this course. I am thrilled to have been saved the pain and am excited to continue learning how to fix all those problems that I knew I had but couldn't name. Thank you to Anne, Rachelle, and Sue for your continuing support of writing the best story ever!”
—Rebecca Sleeth, writer
When does the course begin and end?
You can begin the course immediately after purchase and will have access to Modules 1-12. Modules 13-20 will be released weekly with all modules available by June 29. You have access to the material for one year from date of purchase to encourage you to get that book done and not put it off!
What is the time commitment per week?
You can go through the content of most modules in an hour. Applying what you’ve learned to your work will depend entirely on you and your particular manuscript. We recommend spending 2-4 hours per week on the course and applying the lessons.
What is the refund policy?
We only want to work with writers who are serious about their careers. Putting up money to learn your trade is an indicator of your commitment to your work. When you buy the course, you gain immediate access to download copyrighted material. Due to these two factors, no refunds are offered for any reason.
Do I get lifetime access to the course material?
No. You’ll have access to the course for 12 months. This is designed to get you to invest time and get to work finishing your book! However, there is plenty of downloadable material for the course that you can keep forever.
Do I get support, community or 1-on-1 access to you?
As a bonus, you’ll get access to monthly group calls where you can ask questions about applying the material to your particular manuscript.
What is the investment?
You may choose to pay in full or take advantage of a payment plan. The early bird pricing of $847 will save you $150 on the regular pay-in-full price of $997. The payment plans are slightly higher to account for our administrative costs related to payment plans.
Your Instructors
We’re Anne Hawley, Rachelle Ramirez and Sue Campbell, the women behind Pages & Platforms.
We teach authors how to use the power of the seven essential Story Types to write compelling stories and then help launch those stories into the world.

Anne Hawley, Certified Developmental Editor, has produced and co-hosted 115 episodes of the Story Grid Editor Roundtable Podcast, and she trained under Shawn Coyne of Story Grid. Anne has five decades of writing experience and has been a developmental editor since 2015, providing objective, substantive feedback so writers can write better stories and change the world.

Rachelle Ramirez is a Certified Developmental Editor, and has edited award winning and bestselling fiction. She specializes in narrative nonfiction. Rachelle has an MA in psychology from Goddard College and attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's Masters in Creative Writing Program. She is the author of Introduction to Genre.

Sue Campbell, Book Marketing & Mindset Coach, trained under Tim Grahl of Booklaunch.com and helps authors embrace their marketing and build their audience and has worked with award winning and bestselling fiction and nonfiction authors.
What People Are Saying
“The material is thought-provoking and the presentation draws me in. In each module, there is a section for checking your own work for the elements taught and this is by far the most hopeful component of this course and what really makes it stand apart from other courses that I have taken. It is challenging and very helpful.”
— Oona Cava, writer and editor
“It's not easy to switch from writing a memoir to writing a novel—but, thanks to Story Path, I'm feeling that it's eminently possible.”
— Helen Zuman, author of Mating in Captivity: A Memoir
The Path to Finishing Your Story Awaits
20 modules that show you the path to a compelling, complete manuscript
Bonus: Pages & Pages Guide to Story Type ebook
Bonus: write better scenes for the rest of your life with the Scene Webinar
Monthly group calls with your instructors
One year of access
Save $77 when you pay in full!